Can you use IPL Hair Removal for the bikini line, naval hairs, and the toes? Well, when the pandemic first happened, Cassandra tried an IPL device from Kenzie, and it made one of Cassandra’s legs hairless. But, Cassandra wasn’t able to use the device on areas like her armpits or chin. But, she found a device from ULIKE that she could use on those areas because it has cooling technology, and likewise, it doesn’t get hot on the skin.
Cassandra has been using the Sapphire ULIKE device (the blue one) on one armpit, and it’s made the armpit look much more hairless than the other. The ULIKE is fantastic because it has cooling technology, and unlike other IPL devices, it doesn’t get hot on the skin. ULIKE recently came out with a purple device called the ULIKE Sapphire Air 3 (the purple one). So, we’re going to share Cassandra’s experience with the Ulike Sapphire vs the Ulike Sapphire Air 3. Additionally, we’ll cover the main differences between the two.
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL Hair Removal Handset
Ulike Sapphire Air 3 IPL Hair Removal Handset
One of the main differences between the devices is the weight.
They say the ULIK Sapphire Air 3 weighs less than an iPhone. To Cassandra, it’s easier to maneuver, especially if you’re trying to get into corners. The ULIKE Sapphire (the blue one) is substantially heavier, but they’re both easy to hold, and they don’t flash without being pressed to the skin.
The Air 3 comes with goggles.
You don’t truly need goggles because honestly, you can just look the other way when the device is flashing. However, Cassandra doesn’t like to get these high-intensity pulsed light flashes near her eyes if she doesn’t have to. So, if she has goggles, she’ll use them because you can’t use sunglasses to protect against IPL. IPL is an intense pulsed light, not laser, and it’s a very specific high-intensity wavelength that shoots into the skin. IPL finds color contrast between the skin and the hair and basically burns off the hair.
For the IPL to work optimally, you do have to shave. Luckily, the Air 3 Ulike comes with a little soft shaving razor. So, if you don’t have a shaving razor, that is also a bonus. But, the eventual goal is that you won’t need to shave anymore because the IPL literally gets rid of the hair
The price point is not that different, and with both of these, you can get discounts and coupons.
With any IPL device, there is always a discount or coupon to be found. Cassandra does have a coupon for ULIKE although she doesn’t get any kickback. You can use the following code.
Use code: Beyoutiful
The Blue Ulike is supposed to work in about four weeks, and you can do your whole body in 10 to 15 minutes.
You'll start seeing results in 2-3 weeks, and for Cassandra, using the ULIKE made a massive difference on the toes . The blue one might show results quicker because it has 21 joules whereas the purple one has 19 joules of energy.
The blue one is substantially more powerful, but it’s not substantially hotter. They both have cooling technology, and they've never gotten hot on Cassandra’s skin which is why Cassandra can use both of them on her chin, armpits, and on sensitive areas.
The blue one has 5 intensity levels whereas the Air 3 one has three.
You’d think that the one with more levels is more expensive, but it's not. The Air 3 has a comfort mode. So, if you’re super sensitive, the Air 3 is better even though both are good. With the blue one, Cassandra likes that there are fewer choices on the Air 3.
On both devices, she uses the 5th level for coarse body hair, and she uses the first level on chin hairs or any d other delicate hairs like navel hairs. However, It’s very important to know that IPL won't get rid of vellus hairs. Vellus hairs are like peach fuzz.
It won't zap the vellus hairs because the IPL looks for contrast. If you have wiry chin hairs, armpit hairs, toe hairs, or dark hairs on your arm, this is when the IPL will work.
Furthermore, both of these devices do a good job with different skin tones. But, if there's not a large contrast between your hair and skin, the IPL might not work.
The Air 3 is better for sensitive skin.
The two devices are actually quite different when used on sensitive areas like the bikini line. The Air 3 has gentle settings.
Overall, both of these come with a two-year warranty and both of them have unlimited flashes, and some people also use IPL for things like hyperpigmentation