Our goal is to lift the experiences and narratives of others, while creating a space where skin positivity, body neutrality, and real voices are heard, along with scientifically backed information, cosmetic/ingredient education, and skin health are at the forefront of the conversation. Yes, you will find images that expose the photoshop and pixel manipulation that happens in the industry. Yes, you will find products that are efficacious as backed by science, as well as being vegan and cruelty-free. And you will find information about who we are as a team and why we started this mission 10 years ago with insecurity that turned into a passion. Updates and new developments are in the works to make this space even more educational, interactive, and entertaining — but understandably, these things take time, finances, and expertise. I am beyond thrilled to help create a space that I wish I had when I was 16 and insecure, and I hope that I will be able to afford the time and cost it takes to bring this to life with the full expectation that I have of it. In the meantime, explore what is here currently, keep an eye out weekly and monthly for what’s new, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, we are always happy to hear them! Reach out using our contact page here.

We are a media and impact company that creates empowering and informational content and treatments, helps aligned brands market with meaning through strategy and campaigns, and works as a sustainable retailer of socially conscious products and services.
Contrary to pop culture, Skin Positivity is fundamentally based on the idea that the appearance of one’s skin does not define one's identity. The Skin Positivity Movement also works against the trivialization of common skin conditions by providing a social space online to share narratives and emotional experiences. It also seeks to include people with skin conditions into conceptualizations of beauty.
Furthermore, the Skin Positive Movement examines the psychological dynamic between low self-worth and skin conditions. It works to dismantle negative stereotypes placed on people with skin conditions, especially acne. As a solution to the social isolation that many people with skin conditions face, skin positivity homes in on individuals living with skin conditions and includes them into a larger community. The Skin Positivity Movement classifies conventional beauty standards, objectification, and idealism as oppressive and aims to liberate individuals by providing content and opening dialogues about why human identity should be informed by the quality of character rather than appearances and beauty standards. Skin positivity believes that appearance is unrelated to human worth, and it argues that humans only associate the two because of societal conditioning, not instinctually.
Skin positivity also asserts that the existence of beauty standards requires people to be displeased with themselves. It argues that beauty standards feed into a larger economic superstructure that allows corporations, particularly those in the beauty industry, to exploit and perpetuate the insecurities of others. Therefore, skin positivity views structures like beauty standards and the information systems that spread them as inherently exploitative and dangerous to mental health . Because beauty standards are everchanging and partial to certain features, they are deemed as exclusive, degrading, and divisive.
For that reason, the ideology seeks to liberate and to help all people accept their authentic and entire selves. According to the ideology, after transcending social conditioning, the individual realizes their inherent beauty and worth apart from appearance, emerges into reality, and unifies with others who have also. From there, they are set on an individualized path of self-liberation free from mental exploitation.Similarly, skin positivity does not project self-acceptance as a victory but as an ongoing and ever-changing journey and process of discovery. It also advocates for normalizing imperfections in mass media and society.
Skin positivity also views events like classism, fascism, colorism, racism, and homophobia as cruel and egregious, and categorizes them as social ills that are also related to concepts of image-based worth and ascribed value.
Discrimination and Mental HealthSelf-esteem forms during childhood, especially throughout adolescent and teenage years. 8 in 10 teenagers worldwide live with acne, and teenage years are also when skin conditions typically form. Additionally, this is the time when humans are largely confronted with pressures from the media and social situations to attain beauty standards. Given human development and society’s inevitable impact on it, there is no easy way to separate physical appearance from self-worth. As maintained by skin positivity, this is one of the greatest and most inevitable challenges to self-realization.
Self-perception is also formed by the opinions of peers, images on social media, television, and film. As pop culture has an unfavorable outlook on skin conditions, this causes people to have a negative perception of skin conditions, including the people who have one themselves.Many times, this exposure to prejudice induces trauma and leads those with skin conditions, especially acne, to behaviors such as skin picking, self-mutilation, suicidal ideation, or restrictive eating. Because self-esteem is so currently attached to appearance, many of those living with skin conditions also form illnesses such as OCD, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, panic disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, etc., or become vulnerable to abusive relationships.
Through the lens of skin positivity, ideas of image-based worth consequently pose a threat to public safety and even public health because they provide a false justification for harassment and provoke mental illnesses. In order to influence public perception and to appeal to the morality and compassion of others, the movement also seeks to educate others about the human experience of having a skin condition through social media, literature, and social events.
In 2004, Unilever launched Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty which was a worldwide commercial and billboard marketing campaign with the mission of building confidence in women and young girls. The campaign was focused on the consumer rather than the product, and it consisted of corporate research and 3 years of strategic outreach. The mission statement of the campaign was "to make women feel comfortable in the skin they are in, to create a world where beauty is a source of confidence and not anxiety." The campaign featured photos of “everyday” women in their natural states along with reaffirming statements. Given that Unilever did not create a community around the campaign’s message but worked to create a 2 billion dollar increase in Unilever’s revenue, this campaign was not definitive of skin positivity because the idea of community is central to the Skin Positivity Movement. However, it was the first major instance of a major beauty corporation enforcing what consumers look like rather than what they do not look like.
Brands such as ZitSticka and Banish have also had a major influence on including consumers into the skincare market by using consumer POV marketing and by creating a skincare market specifically for those who live with acne.
Although acne is the most common skin condition affecting 50 million adults each year, acne has historically received little attention from society and even the medical community as a serious health condition . In 2009, The American Acne and Rosacea Society (AARS) declared June as National Acne Awareness Month. Initially, the holiday was dedicated to improving the visibility of AARS and educating clinicians about ways better serve patients who have acne. But because "teens and patients with acne are perceived by both teens and adults as less successful in life, less happy, and less outgoing than teens who do not have acne," Acne Awareness Month also highlights the need for more quality information for individuals with acne.
Recently, Acne Awareness Month has also become a time for those living with acne to commemorate self-love, the purpose of acne positivity, and to celebrate the community across social media.
Social MediaToday, a great number of individuals have also begun to show their real skin on social media, especially Instagram, and have adopted the #skinpositivity and #acnepositivity hashtag. These accounts are not normally created to amass popularity, but to provide a space where people with acne can share their stories and receive empowering and reassuring messages. The pages are often dedicated to having open and honest conversations about skin conditions. There are numerous skin positive accounts on Instagram now, and these community members strongly believe in the power of “changing the feed” that people see across their screen and providing representation of real skin. Through this, the movement hopes to gain more members, change consumer perception, and to compel brands as well as mass media to normalize real skin as well. Once mass media and large corporations normalize real skin, the Skin Positivity Movement believes that society will change and self-acceptance and realization will then become much easier for future generations.
CriticismThe Skin Positivity Movement has primarily faced criticism about being idealistic, unrealistic, or utopian itself. Many claim that there is no possible way to psychologically separate one’s self-perception from physical appearance. Others have also claimed that the movement glorifies disease, and some have classified the movement as “toxic positivity.” Toxic positivity is the idea of repressing or disassociating from negative situations and forcing oneself or others to believe that they are happy or okay with their situation when in reality, they are not. Due to this, some have argued that the movement invalidates the struggles and pain of its own community. The movement has also been confronted with the idea that skin positivity is ableist and exclusive because some people physically cannot feel good despite their skin condition due to a mental disorder or prejudices like racism and classism. Therefore, the movement has been criticized as exclusive.
The skin positive community has responded to these criticisms and has addressed these concerns by integrating the offshoot idea of skin neutrality into the movement. Skin neutrality conveys that skin does not have to be or a positive or negative feature at all. Skin neutrality claims that skin should simply be objective. Skin neutrality posits that skin should be regarded as an organ with no subjective value to its appearance. It asserts that skin must be regarded for its functionality like any other organ such as one’s intestines. Skin neutrality separates skin from the idea of self-acceptance entirely and does not facilitate conversations around beauty but rather how society can move past the focus that it has on skin and beauty in relation to worth.
“Vegan” is defined as: a person who does not eat any food derived from animals and who typically does not use other animal products.
For the terms and purposes of this website and content, cruelty-free refers to brands and products that are not frivolously tested on animals, anywhere in the world, by the brand or manufacturers themselves, or by third parties. Understandably, some products fall outside of this range. Such as medications, ingredients that were once tested on animals decades ago that we now have cruelty-free options for, and brands that remain cruelty-free but may fall under the umbrella of a parent company that is not.
Each person feels differently about these things, and different certifying bodies have created their standards and definitions, such as The Leaping Bunny.
You can find more information about these differences here. (Links to blog post)
I choose to live my life in a way that mitigates harm to animals, the environment, and others. For me, consent is very important, and I have found that to match my morals and values, using products that do not have animal ingredients, or test on/harm animals is of the utmost importance to me.
On this website, all of my recommendations and preferences are vegan and cruelty-free. You may, at times, find a product that is mentioned by a guest speaker or author, or someone that we have interviewed that does not follow these cruelty-free guidelines or principles. I do not want to correct another person’s personal experience or voice, which is why we allow others on our platform to speak freely about their experiences and favorite products. But when it comes to products I personally recommend, consume, and use, only vegan and cruelty-free options are those that I stand behind for the time being, and into the foreseeable future. -
You can read our Privacy and Disclosure Policy here. To find out more about our terms of service, click here.
Let us know if you’re a community member with a question, a brand/charity, or media personnel, and reach out through our contact page!
Check it out here!
So glad you asked! I've been called the “Internet's Skincare Big Sister” by Popsugar and Newsbreak, The Today Show has called me an “Inspiration,” Forbes has called me a “Rising Woman of Power,” but I call myself skincare-obsessed and slightly underslept! I’ve been in the industry for over a decade now and have shared my acne and social media stories here and hereif you’d like to learn more!
Great question! The term “influencer” is defined as:
1. a person or thing that influences another.”
This term has been used widely in social media and marketing, for people who have followers and subscribers, and who influence behaviors, actions, purchases, choices, or the lives of others.
Occasionally this term has a negative connotation — we’ve all seen influencers behaving badly, putting public health at risk, or partaking in dangerous activities.
This acknowledged, I think it’s important to remember that in life we can have positive, or negative influences. Likewise, we can have positive influencers or negative influencers.
I am not privy to the fact that many influencers have a negative or seriously concerning public perception due to bad actions and choices, however, I do believe countless positive influencers are not being covered in the media due to the lack of bad or problematic actions. I believe that being a positive influencer is a thing that happens without the attention.
The term “skinfluencer” came to form in the industry around 2018/2019, to specifically subcategorize the influencers to speak on, about, or otherwise “influence” within the skincare space. Some of these people are dermatologists, bonafide experts, industry veterans, or medical aestheticians, such as myself. Others are product reviewers, enthusiasts, and people with personal skin stories, whose experiences and narratives are just as valid.
The Skinfluencer community has been able to avoid much of the controversy or criticism that comes along with the regular term “influencer” and as of now, being labeled as such does not bother me. I firmly believe that there can be negative and positive influences, which is why I try my best to uphold my personal core values in the continent I create and the work that I do to be a positive influence in the skincare space. -
I post before and after photos on IG to expose the modeling industry and show that even the model in the magazine doesn’t look that perfect straight form the lens. If you click here, you can use some of these photos and swipe right to see the unedited ones.
As far as photo-editing tools and software goes, I use a combination of Face-tune, Photoshop and Lightroom. -
A combination of 5 things have made the biggest impact for me: skincare, diet, hormones, stress, and removing irritants from my environment.
I’ve filmed an entire series of videos explaining exactly what I cut out and added it here. (links to blog post) -
Watch it here! (Links to blog post with embedded YouTube video)
I eat a plant-based diet, and try to remember to stay hydrated! I’m a personal trainer (although I’ve worked as one in the past I don’t currently!) and you can see my workout routine and what I eat in a day here. (links to blog post)
I work full-time as a content creator/medical aesthetician, and currently, oversee a team of 23 here at CBLLC! Externally, I work with medical, creative, and other chemistry/medical/service/consultant groups of over 50 people to get our work done and continue our mission of helping others overcome their insecurities and understand that skincare is self-care.
This includes everything from helping others with their skin, brand consulting, commercial production, working on product formulation, research & development, posting educational and entertaining content to our daily YouTube channel, skincare Tik Tok, posting before and after images on Instagram, and our weekly Skintellectual Podcast. -
I work bi-coastally and online! Being born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I’ve tried to leave many times but always get drawn back to the environment, entrepreneurial spirit, and connections I have here! I have also worked at locations and with clients in Los Angeles and New York.
No, not yet! I'm still interested in pursuing dermatology, and although I've worked alongside and with doctors, dermatologists and physicians, I am not yet a doctor myself. If you're interested in learning more from the doctors and dermatologists that I learn from and listen to, I've shared some of my friends, colleagues, and inspirations here! (Links to blog post)
Many things! I've been through acne, mental health struggles, body image issues, as well as unsafe and emotionally disparaging situations. I'm grateful to have been able to have the resources and courage to ask for help, and thankful to feel comfortable and compelled to share some of these experiences to try to inspire hope or confidence in others. You can learn more about these experiences and topics in some of our videos!
I believe that skincare is self-care - yes, hygiene is important, but so is ensuring we can protect and understand our skin. I know what it feels like to be insecure about my skin/body, and for a time allowed that to stop me from doing my best work, asking for help when I needed it, or speaking up when I was compelled to. I hope to help others realize that skincare, makeup, and other cosmetic choices should be a choice, not a chore. I firmly believe that when we are fixated on the mirror and our insecurities, it's difficult to focus on doing our best work to help the world. What you can do to impact others, the planet, and society has no correlation to what you look like.
Glad you’ve asked! In the past, magazines and media defined beauty standards for us. Now, with social media, we have the option to uplift our individual stories and experiences. I firmly believe that anyone who is comfortable should share their experiences and opinions. We have content, done seminars, and have Boot Camps on this very topic here. (links to blog post and camp reel stories event)
When I started, I sat in front of the window light with a point and shoot camera and a WebCam. Obviously, that wouldn’t cut it for long.
I invested in my first quality camera and added a second one for different angles. I also got a waterproof go-pro to add more exciting elements for vlogs. Do you need all this? Absolutely not. Use a cell phone propped up on a set of books to start.
Many people have expensive setups for lighting, but for myself, I was able to do it for under 100 bucks. Here’s the ring light I use, and I use metallic reflectors from Home Depot.Most people neglect to think about audio, but it’s one of the most important parts. Many people watch or listen to YouTube videos while driving or exercising. Sound is paramount. I use Rode microphones.
An entire list of my film equipment can be found here.
My biggest youtube and blogging tips can be found here. (Link to blog post) -
We are always looking for talent! We currently have a great team but are considering interns at the moment. Apply here
Whenever I collaborate with brands I always make sure that they're the right fit for us. Knowing what it feels like to grow up with acne and being insecure in my skin, I take responsibility for recommending products, procedures, or services very seriously. Currently, I only choose to work with vegan and cruelty-free brands that I would personally spend my own money on. Some of these clients over the years have included: The American Academy of Dermatology, EADV, Ulta, Sephora, Nordstrom, Target, Skinstore, CVS, Wishtrend, Stylevana, Cutera, The Inkey List, Bubble Skincare, Juice Beauty, Isntree, Zitsticka, Dermalogica, Acne Free, Dermatologist Sandra Lee MD Skincare, Dr. Sam Bunting’s Skincare, Acaderma, and more.
That being said I turn down every sponsorship or collaboration that isn’t right for CBLLC. You will only find things I absolutely love, believe others will benefit from, and enjoy on this site — ultimately maintaining the integrity and authenticity of this community is extremely important to me. -
You are more than welcome to send me a message using our contact page or call Cassandra Bankson LLC’s phone number at 415-375-0150. Please note this number is for return and customer service needs only. If you have a skincare question or request, please contact us here through our contact page.
If you order something through an affiliate or third-party partner of ours, the shipping time depends on their product stock, availability, and shipping policies. Although we do not have control over these, we do recommend using your voice on social media or the brand's contact or help pages to reach a representative who can support you!
If you are purchasing a product created by us, we do our best to ship it to you as soon as possible! Digital downloads should be available within five minutes through your account or email.
If you purchase a tangible product, you can choose shipping times and the price that is best to meet your needs. Occasionally, a shipping carrier such as USPS or FedEx will have delays due to weather, disasters, or other unforeseen events, but in general, we always do our best to ensure that your products are delivered safely, on time, and packaged beautifully –– and sustainably!
We use carbon-neutral shipping practices and offset carbon emissions through credits. Any products that we ship to distribution locations etc. are always done in the most sustainable and environmentally friendly way possible, such as by train, ground, ship, or through offsetting carbon emissions through credits. -
Our return policy applies to products that we retail ourselves, and is what we wish every company could be! If you have a product that doesn’t fit, arrived damaged, or doesn’t meet the description on the website, you can return it with no questions asked.
There may be some items that are perishable/sold with an expiration date or are limited edition, and you can return any of these that don’t fit, arrived damaged, or don’t meet the description on the website as well.
Refunds will be processed for the amount that we have received from you. Occasionally taxes, import fees, or shipping will vary from location to location or country to country, and unfortunately, because these are governments and regulatory bodies that require these costs, we are not able to refund for those amounts. But for the amounts that we receive from you, we are happy to fully refund them to your account.
Our return policy is 30 days, as we want to make sure that you have a chance to try, use, and love your new items ans services. Although this is longer than the industry standard, if you have a product that falls outside of these lines please let us know through our contact page so that we can understand more about the situation and do what we can to help. -
Yes! If your product or item was created and shipped directly by us and doesn’t meet your expectations, we want to hear about it and do our best to correct it! If your purchase
Yes, you are more than welcome to call us at (415) -375-0150 if you have questions about your order or customer service. (Please note, our phone number is reserved for customer service, helping people track packages, and answering shipping/return questions. Unfortunately, we cannot provide generalized skin care advice or recommendations through this line. If you have a skincare question or request, please send us an email or reach out to Casandra on social media.)
If you have questions about a skincare routine, your personal products, or video/contact requests, please send us an email using our contact form here.
If you would like to return an item through a vendor, partner or affiliate of ours, please contact the third-party retailer that you purchased it from to coordinate and ensure your item is shipped packed and refunded properly. If you have purchased an item directly through us and would like to return it, please start the return process by contacting us. -
If you are interested in sending accepted returns, products, or fanmail, you may send them to:
Please note that this is not a personal address, and the people who help us operate this location do not always appreciate visitors! Although Casandra would love to meet you, say hi, and take a selfie if you see her in person or come to a meet and greet, please do not show up to business locations as she most likely won’t be there. Thank you for respecting the needs of our team, partners, and all of the people we work with to help make our work possible! -
Contact us with your tracking number immediately! We want to get this sorted out for you!
Once a product leaves our shipping facility, it is in the hands of the post office, the mail carriers, and the other people responsible for your package. Although we do not have direct control over the item anymore, we will do everything in our power to ensure it arrives to you safe and sound.
Our products are tracked and scanned up until the point that they arrive at your door.
Occasionally, things such as weather delays, disasters, or other unforeseeable acts can cause delays in shipping times, but if any of these shipping carriers update about these delays, we will be sure to notify you.
If an item is a business day or two past its expected delivery date, please be patient and double-check any alternate doors or mailboxes it may have been placed on. If an item is more than seven business days late, please contact us immediately so we can help track down your package and get some answers and updates for you! -
We believe in sustainability, giving back, and truly enjoying the products we use daily! You can find skincare here, clothing here, free downloads and information here, and much more here!
We accept all standard payments such as major credit cards Visa, Amex, MasterCard, and Discover, as well as payment services such as PayPal. We offer financing options for those who need them, but always encourage others to shop within their means and only purchase products they believe they will truly benefit from and enjoy long-term.
For international customers, we do have additional payment processing companies, financial services, and more which you can find a list of here. -
Yes, if we have anything to say about it! We do everything in our power to ensure that your information is safe, secure, and kept private and confidential to the best of our abilities. We do not store, distribute, or sell any of your credit card, billing, and financially confidential information.
There is always the risk of hacks and data leaks, however, we have built security protocols into our website and processing systems to ensure to the best of our ability that this never happens. We do our best to create a secure and encrypted experience where you can feel confident and safe while shopping online.
And in our eyes, shouldn’t that be the standard for every website?! -
Not usually, but on occasion, yes. The products we provide have been vetted and scrutinized along every step of the value chain and manufacturing process. This means designing and creating products based on research and information, as well as using materials and ethical sourcing options that don’t exploit other people, animals, or the planet.
Understandably, these things take time, effort, and finances, as well as ensuring these products, items, or services get to you in excellent and impressive condition. Because we also donate portions of all of our profits and proceeds, there isn’t a large margin to offer sales.
If you want to be the first notified, ensure that you have post notifications turned on on our social media, or sign up for our newsletter, which provides helpful skin information, not spam or junk, by clicking here. -
Excellent question! You can sign in to your account by clicking here. When signing up for an Account for the first time, you will receive an email if it takes you through the setup process. If you ever have trouble re-logging into your account, you can search for that email, reach out to us directly for help, or preferably, submit a password reset here.
Our sizing is made by us to fit as many body types as possible, but understandably everybody is beautiful and different which includes varying proportions, measurements, and shapes! Our sizing is clearly listed on each product page, and although we pay extra for the design and manufacturing of sizes such as XS all the way up to 3XL, we understand that these things can vary from brand to brand. The best thing you can do is take out a tape measure and compare your measurements to those of the model on the product page, or the product lying flat itself. On each product page, you will find a size guide and more information that we recommend referencing and referring to.
We recommend checking comments, in case certain products run slightly large or slightly small. Although we make every effort to ensure our products run true to size, we understand with certain materials, such as organic cotton, these can shrink in the washer or dryer.
Any garments or items that may experience this are clearly listed on each product page, as well as alongside care instructions and a list of materials that were used to create them.
Individual instructions for washing and care are listed clearly on each product page, as well as on in-seam tags and care labels. In general, we recommend washing with cold water and on a delicate cycle to maintain the longevity and integrity of not only our apparel but of all the clothing you love and wear! We personally recommend using a fragrance-free laundry detergent, stain remover, and washing ingredients to help minimize skin irritation and ensure the longevity of your products. If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to us on our contact page here.
Well, you’re in the right place! We have countless videos, articles, and guides to help you find the right products for you.
For a list of products by skin concern or type, click here
For videos on skin science and skin health click here
For our skincare ingredient dictionary click here (links to ingredient dictionary page)
For helpful videos of other people’s routines click here -
We have a list of medical esthetician-approved skincare products and recommendations for dry skin here! -
We have a list of medical esthetician-approved skincare products and recommendations for oily skin here!
We have a list of medical esthetician approved skincare products and recommendations for combination skin here!
(Links to oily skin amazon list) -
We have a list of medical esthetician approved skincare products and recommendations for acne prone skin here!
We have a list of medical esthetician approved skincare products and recommendations for fine lines and wrinkles here!
Please see a doctor for a diagnosis immediately! If you are in pain, burning, or blistering, see a doctor. We have videos and articles on how to recover and care for skin after a minor sunburn or OTC product. When in doubt, or pain, please see a doctor, derm, or visit your closest urgent care/emergency room.
We have a list of medical esthetician approved skincare products and recommendations for skincare tools and devices here!
First off, congrats! Secondly, pregnancy and the health of you and your baby is of the utmost importance and we recommend speaking with your OBGYN, Dermatologist, and primary care physician/doctor. In general, dermatologists, experts, and I recommend avoiding the use of retinoids, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide during pregnancy. Unfortunately, these are some of the first-line ingredients for treating acne, but the good news is that there are other pregnancy-safe options available. Azelaic acid is great over the counter, and you can get a prescription from your doctor for Clindamycin, Metronidazole, or Erythromycin.
Pigmentation and melasma are also common during pregnancy, but unless your dermatologist recommended otherwise, hydroquinone should still be avoided. If you are struggling with pigmentation, glycolic acid and vitamin c might still be safe options to try.
As far as treatments go, laser procedures, fillers, and neurotoxins such as Botox should be avoided since there is not enough safety data available to consider them safe for use during pregnancy.
However, treatments such as microneedling and microdermabrasion can be continued during pregnancy if approved by, and done by a dermatologist or physician.
Sunscreen is the most important step in a skincare routine and should be continued during pregnancy! Ask your doctor or derm for specific ingredient recommendations. -
This is a medical condition that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist. There may be prescriptions and other options available! If you are looking for over-the-counter products, or want to learn more about your generalized information about this condition, we have more information about this in an article here.
(Links to blog post)
This is a medical condition that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist. There may be prescriptions and other options available! If you are looking for over-the-counter products, or want to learn more about your generalized information about this condition, we have more information about this in an article here.
(Links to blog post) -
This is a medical condition that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist. There may be prescriptions and other options available! If you are looking for over-the-counter products, or want to learn more about your generalized information about this condition, we have more information about this in an article here.
(Links to blog post) -
This is a medical condition that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist. There may be prescriptions and other options available! If you are looking for over-the-counter products, or want to learn more about your generalized information about this condition, we have more information about this in an article here.
(Links to blog post) -
This is a medical condition that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist. There may be prescriptions and other options available! If you are looking for over-the-counter products, or want to learn more about your generalized information about this condition, we have more information about this in an article here.
(Links to blog post) -
This is a medical condition that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist. There may be prescriptions and other options available! If you are looking for over-the-counter products, or want to learn more about your generalized information about this condition, we have more information about this in an article here.
(Links to blog post) -
Currently, I am only seeing existing patients/clients or those through dermatology practices and care providers I am affiliated with. If you’d like to be notified of new changes or openings, sign up on the waitlist here!
When working with doctors and dermatologists, certain clinics and practices take specific insurance providers. Currently, the dermatologists and experts I work with are in private practice and one accepts insurance. Accepted insurance can change due to office policy and procedures, so please be sure to double-check when making an appointment. Note that insurance may not cover all procedures, depending on if you are looking for a medical procedure at a dermatology clinic or a cosmetic/aesthetic procedure or treatment.
Yes! We have a skin scholarship program that helps connect people who need skin support with those who can provide it!
The skin scholarship program aims to help provide finances and education for students in aesthetics or medicine, as well as working to provide care and cover the cost of treatments for those who could not otherwise afford them. We fund these through product sales and the work we do, as well as through offering celebrity-status treatments and procedures, in which part of the cost of your treatment/experience can go towards supporting others. If you are interested in booking a treatment that helps others, please sign up for the waitlist here. If you are a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or care provider looking to donate your time and expertise, please visit our partnerships page here -
I recommend finding a board-certified dermatologist that is close to where you live, accepts your insurance or fits within your budget, and has the expertise and experience you are looking for, and has a similar skincare philosophy to you! Remember that dermatologists are humans as well, and as humans, we don’t always get along with everyone! Taking the time to find a care provider that understands and listens to you, and that you feel comfortable sharing sensitive information with such as health concerns is important. I recommend finding a board-certified dermatologist from the American Academy of Dermatology. You can view a list of approved care providers here -
Yes! Similar to finding any other doctor or care provider, you should look for someone who is in an accessible area to you, accepts your insurance or fits within your budget, and has the expertise and experience you are looking for. Similar to all other doctors, plastic surgeons are people. You should find someone who listens to you, answers your questions, makes you feel heard, and that you get along with. When looking for a plastic surgeon, I recommend finding someone who is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons or has FACS after their name.
You can find a list here
I’ve got quite a few! I am so grateful and honored to be able to know, learn from, and even work with some of the best care providers in the industry. Some amazing dermatologists are also on social media sharing their tips, tricks, and advice to help other people understand their skincare and choices. For a list of the dermatologists that I know and love, check out the article here! (Links to blog post)
This is an excellent question that we’ve actually discussed in videos, and articles you can find here! (Links to blog post with video)