
  • 3 min read

How self-acceptance became Cassandra Bankson's routine

  • 5 min read
“Perfection doesn’t equal self-love. You have to love yourself anyways." 
  • 4 min read
I wanted to be seen for who I was, but this was easier said than done. It took me so much time to accept myself.
  • 3 min read
"I thought back to when I was 14. That's when I first started getting into makeup, but I wasn't wearing it to hide. I wore makeup for the colors I could paint on myself I saw my face as a canvas that could hold beauty, not something for covering up."
  • 6 min read
When you accept who you are, you will have more direction on your journey. You will get there. Be gentle and kind to yourself.
  • 6 min read
Katie, who experiences eczema, shares with us her journey of self acceptance.
  • 5 min read
Tell yourself, “I love you,” and mean it. Say it like you would to a loved one.
  • 6 min read
We should love ourselves because we’re more amazing than any beauty standard.
  • 6 min read

Monica is a makeup and skincare influencer who advocates for inclusive beauty. She shares with us her journey on acne, confidence, and self-image.